REFRACTIVE ERRORS (Why we need glasses!)
- Myopia (nearsightedness) .- In eyes with myopia the light that’s refracted from the cornea falls in front of the retina this is caused either by an eye that too large or by a cornea that’s to steep. People with myopia will see near objects sharp and clear and objects that are far will be blurred (myopia can be corrected by refractive surgery, LASIK, INTRALASIK, PRK)
- Hyperopia (farsightedness) In hyperopic eyes the light that’s refracted from the cornea falls behind the retina causing blurry vision from near and far this is caused by an eye that’s too small or a cornea that’s too flat this can be corrected by refractive surgery ( LASIK, INTRALASIK)
- Astigmatism: Error in vision produced by an irregular corneal surface that causes multiple focal points in the retina that translates into near and distance blurry vision and loss of sharpness in images.